Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can you tell I'm back to school?

I have a few minutes to write, but no time to post pictures. There's been plenty going on here. We went to a lakehouse in Dallas with the Killians a couple weeks ago, Matt worked REALLY hard on a change of command at work (he got GREAT compliments, which we both hope helps with his upcoming assignment!), and I survived the return from Spring Break:)

Next up, Matt has started another master's class; just three more to go, I think. He should finish before we leave WF. I have a few more major events to finish up the year in Kindergarten: a Texas rodeo this Friday (complete with butter churning. bean aproning, horseshoe throwing, and lassoing -yes, lassoing...did i mention plenty of live animals?), Q and U wedding (really), take 16 kinder-kiddos (no longer 20, yay!) to a concert (um, right...good thing a couple parents are coming) and a public park (wait, how many kids have to go to the bathroom?!?), a kindergarten program (on stage), and graduation. Whoo!

We'll be home May 6-9th for the wedding. See you sometime!


  1. YES. I can tell :) Those muffins were delicious-they are all gone. Oops!

  2. Sounds like the rest of the year will fly by. :)hehehe I remember the picnic in park with the bands. It was always fun. I know you are enjoying the weather and takeing full advantage. Happy Easter!


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