Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Play, please

Here are Matt and I playing "camp" a few years ago. I think it was the first spring after we'd moved into our apartment. We opened up all the windows and slept in our sleeping bags in the living room. We sure are kids at heart. I think that's why we don't feel ready for our own.

I am now constantly thinking about what the future holds for me. I am trying to focus on now and trust in the future instead of angst for it. Whatever it is, I'm convinced it must include these elements: play, nature, children... I could list more, but these are the essence of it all, which is a remarkable combination of what I went to school for both in the beginning of college and what I got my degree in. If I could somehow marry environmental passions with children, home, and play, that would be amazing. Is there anybody out there who might be interested in paying me for that?

The other day, though, I thought the only thing I should consider seriously spending my time on is that which I would do even if I would never get paid for it. Thankfully Matt's salary is enough for us. I really don't want any more money, so I'm not sure why I get so wrapped up in getting paid for what I want to do. That is really just the world's expectations, which is a far cry from where I want to be. Two organizations that have my attention -and have had it for a while- are MovNat and Healthy Child Healthy World. Both now have a place on the sidebar to the right. Here is a Sesame Street video,an ode to MovNat, which I thought would cheer you up and get you outside. It made me dance a little right in my living room.

(The video is on the MovNat site. I can't figure out how to save the You Tube video or upload it to the blog. If you know, please send help:)


  1. Consider it done!!!!
    I to understand the the confliciton of money. sometimes I litterally hate money! :) I pray the opportunity will become ever persent and you will jump on it full force! HUGs

  2. please excuse the typos and my mind goes faster than my hands

  3. Hmmm...I know what combines all three of your likes :) It could include either A) babysitting a little boy that LOVES playing outside or B) Having your own. I'm sure you're headed with option A, but I want an opportunity to meet Baby Keilen-maybe whenever you have one, I can fly out to visit!

  4. of course you will fly out to visit:) currently preferring option a please:)


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