Thursday, May 28, 2009

Field day

I was invited back to Sheppard AFB Elementary to help chaperon Field Day last week. It was a lot of fun for me, but especially for the kids. There were events set up all over the front schoolyard. They dribbled a basketball down a lane and back to the start. They did a hula hoop relay race. They ran kindergartner-sized hurdles even! There was a lot going on and tons of ribbons given out at each event. Each child got a place ribbon for every event they completed. The kids even had matching camouflage bucket hats and lanyards to hold their mini water bottles around their necks. I didn't have my camera with me during the events, but here are some photos afterwards in the classroom.









Table 5: from the left, Kaden, Mariah, Ho-yeon, Trenton, and Anthony.

Ethan and more strange eye faces.

Table 4: from left, David, Charlie, and Gordy.

Table 3: from left, Alyssa, Ethan, Samantha, Jayden, and Miguel.

Table 1: majorly goofing off while I am taking pictures and Mrs. Cannaday is down the hall, from left, Antonia, David, and Tielique.

Table 2: from left, Matthew, Christopher, and Cherokee.

Mrs. Cannaday. No, she's not wearing a white t-shirt, but she had been out fishing the day before and has very fair skin. She got a bad sunburn, but caught several fish!

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