Friday, May 15, 2009

Back to nature

I want to tell you about two things that have taken up a lot of our time lately. One is the TRX, which we have been actually doing a lot of.

We got our first TRX in February as a birthday gift for Matt. He was frustrated with trying to get to the gym during their hours because his flying schedule is all over. And we had thought a lot about buying some gym equipment, but where would we put it? We seriously considered getting rid of the TV and replacing it with a squat rack. Then, in one of Matt's PTL (Physical Training Leader) trainings, they introduced him to the TRX Suspension Trainer from Fitness Anywhere.

The TRX is really cool because you really can use it anywhere, inside over a door or outside hooked to a tree, soccer goal, light pole, or even a tank. A tank if you're overseas in the military, which is who the TRX was originally designed for...makes sense, doesn't it? You don't generally have access to a fancy gym in the desert, but you still need to be in excellent battle-ready physical condition.

A month later we bought our second TRX, for me. The idea was so that we would both be able to workout with it at the same time, especially while Matt was away in San Antonio. When we're home, we'll give you all demos and you can try it for yourself. The TRX builds really functional strength. It's tough, but fun and can be used is tons of different ways. It even provides the best stretching excercises I've ever done (better than any yoga move I've tried, too). For the past seven weeks I have been following the twelve week strength/cardio program offered by TRX and it is kicking my butt! I'm loving it though. I have learned this is God's way of teaching me perseverance. He has a tough training ground for sure!

The other thing that is so intriguing to us is MovNat, which we have been thinking a lot about how we could do where we live.

It is all about getting back to our natural ways of movement. It looks like so much fun, and imagine exercise!!

I have been sitting at this computer all day doing applications, and looking at these pictures makes me want to get outside even more than I already do! I am so ready for swimming in the Michigan lakes!!!!

Oh, this makes me think of Hawaii! How much I want to go back there! Thank you, thank you Lisa and Brad for getting married in Hawaii! What a wonderful trip!

This guy's training ground is in the Amazon!

Check out more info about this on the website. It's a really cool philosophy. There is an organization called Wild Fitness that MovNat is partnering with. They do fitness vacations where you go to Africa and do all this natural movement stuff. It looks awesome!

Enjoy the glimpse of each. More to come when I can figure out how to properly save a youtube video in order to post it. Help anyone?


  1. Wow I wish I had your exercise
    energy! That is certainly an area that I am lacking in....My goal is to change that starting
    June 1st!!!!!

  2. I'm out of work...I've got to do something good with my time:)


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