Wednesday, February 24, 2010

More than double

Wichita Falls has encountered more snow this winter than in the previous three winters combined. In the first three years we lived here, it snowed twice. And when I say snowed I mean 1/2 an inch or so. Each time resulted in a snow day or two because it would get packed down and ice over. This year, however, it has snowed FIVE times! I'm amazed! The number of snowfalls this year is more than double the last three years. And if you know me, you know it's a big deal when something's double. (I remember friends in high school making fun of me during a basketball game. When our team's score was double our opponent's -or vice versa- I was convinced would win. In fact, I wasn't really confident we would win unless the score was double.

1. It snowed at least 6 inches Christmas Eve.
2. It snowed again when Mike and Cindy came in January.
3. It snowed for the third time last week or the week before, which is I think when these pictures are from. About 6-8 inches came that time.
4. It snowed a tiny bit on Valentine's Day, which was the craziest looking snow I've seen...tiny fluffy flakes zipping around through brutal this-way-and-that winds.
5. And it snowed again yesterday!

The view from our window. That's the cavalier down there.

I came outside to the parking lot a day or two after snow number three and saw this cascade from the drain pipe. I decided immediately that this waterfall must have been the true original Wichita Falls.

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I love comment-love!

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