Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The color of light

This morning I was up just in time to see the sun rise. I hurriedly took the dog out, brewed a cup, and found a seat on the roof to take in the beauty. And I reflected (I couldn't help it).

I sat there thinking that all we know we have learned from the Lord's creation, the earth.

I thought about the people who discovered the origin of color.

I looked at the clouds before me. Moments ago they were orange-y pink with morning glow. Now they are white with fresh blue behind. They are the clouds of day. The clouds remain, but their appearance is all new.

The people who discovered the origin of color must have sat here on a morning like this. They saw clouds and horizon change before their eyes. The only thing different was the change in light.

Then, in evening twilight they witnessed the glory again. The sky transformed minute by minute from regular blue to red orange bursting, then softened twilight followed soon by dark of night. Finally the stars, light punctuated. The ending always: Light again. Fading, then gone, then accentuated trinkets high.

Light changed everything. Light transformed the whole world. What you knew in one moment was changed in the next. And the day after it would repeat, with ever so slight differences from the day before.

Light. The light of the world. He changes things. The Light of the World brings color. He is color. Without him is darkness. But with him is glorious light.

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