Monday, February 28, 2011

New season

You may have noticed a pleasant change in blog-scenery. I changed the main picture and a few of the colors because, in these parts, it is quite obviously a new season!

The winter snow storms (thank Goodness we were lucky enough to have two this year -and neither impeded our Christmas travel!!) are long gone. Just as quickly as the cold cloudy skies receded Northward, our usual sunniness resumed. Don't get me wrong. I love sunniness. Nine months of sunniness, however, can -at times- be too much of a good thing.

In addition to the change in blog-scenery, I have also changed my hair!

Um, yikes!

For most people, a new hair cut isn't a big deal. I, however, have sported the same hair for most of my life. In fact, while I was getting my hair cut, I mentioned to my hairdresser that I've only ever had four people cut my hair: my mom for the first 15 years, then three other women, one in each of the places I've lived. Oh, wait, I just had a fourth person come to mind.

Anyway, the first major change came in 7th grade when I grew out my bangs...oh how I "wish" I could share that yearbook photo with you! Then, every few years I would go through a cycle of getting some kind of trendy-ish cut (one that usually did not take into account my features or styling preferences whatsoever!), followed by a long season of growing it out, then trendy-ish cut again.

As such, and never having fully learned my lesson, I present to you the shag:

Well, at least that's what my hairdresser called it. I was going for some kind of Jennifer Garner meets Penelope Cruz with a touch of Reese Witherspoon thing. Nonetheless, I think she's exactly right. I've got a shag.

It's okay for the most part, except this forever-in-my-eye, not-as-long-as-I-thought-it-would-be piece of bang in the front. And then there's the issue of actually styling it...

My frequent get-out-of-bed-comb-and-go technique is not quite as useful with the new cut. So, I think I've decided -maybe actually for good this time- that comfort and ease are way more important to me than style no matter what.

I think I'll be fine once the bangs grow out. (After all, I do really like the extra layers.) But, until then, bobby pins are a girl's best friend.

1 comment:

  1. I actually LOVE this! It makes your face look skinny...and-don't get mad at this-mature. You know what I mean? Beautiful Brooke!


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